Finding Balance
I am NOT a seeker of novelty. I am a creature of habit. I am not
paralyzed by change, though it can be uncomfortable. I am usually quite
adept at rolling with changes -- as long as they are "natural." I am NOT
as good at this when people around me are unnecessarily imposing it
upon me. I don't think I am alone in this. I think there are many, many
people, brain injuries or not, who experience the same difficulties with
man made, unnecessary change.
Since my head exploded in 2006, I have realized that the people around me, though they ARE the same people who have pretty much always been around me, are simultaneously seekers of novelty AND paralyzed by change. The only thing different in the equation for me IS my brain injury imposed difficulty with switching gears and adapting. This is MY issue, and I believe it to be MY responsibility to fix it or get control of it as best I can.
This injury is MY injury, after all, no matter how often the people around me WANT to claim that they are somehow even remotely AS negatively affected by it as I am. ;-) I guess what I am realizing is that it was MY ability to create balance that created balance all along.
What do I do? <shrug> I figure I cultivate my own balance and let these people do as they will, which is really all I EVER did. My only real problem is working out a path to that goal WHILE these people continue to try and trip me up. Why is it so different to do this with this injury that it was just growing up? Most of the same people were doing what they do then, as well. ;-)
Well, I guess what I do is just continue to try and see these things as MY OWN RESPONSIBILITY and, maybe nudge those other people out of my way. Sounds harsh, maybe, but I can't really drag people down who are down and struggle to stay that way, can I? I guess one might think I'm stepping over them, and that's true, I suppose, but if I'm not climbing on top of them and pushing them down, then I don't think I'm doing a wrong. They're welcome to join me out of the muck if/when they like. The door is open.
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